About us

Qudrat is Largest circulated news paper of Baluchistan and Pakistan
It was started in April in 2004 From Quetta

Now Daily Qudrat is publishing From Islamabad , Karachi and Gawadar

QUDRAT has become the favorite newspaper of readers and has captured a sizeable share of the market of Pakistan . Investigative and analytical articles and a reader friendly layout. QUDRAT has captured a sizable share of the market and has become the premier newspaper of Quetta , Karachi, gawadar and Islamabad

On the basis of Pakistan, Daily QUDRAT Quetta is one of leading the newspapers

Daily QUDRAT was launched in April 2004, started as a purely neutral policy paper, which is now diversified its reporting into various other important sectors and segments of our society. Daily QUDRAT has been focused on issues which others have chosen to either bypass or avoid, within a proper framework of research and expert analysis

We have always chosen to ashore the strict policy of moral and ethical standard of professional reporting. We have always stood firm for the freedom of speech and press

Daily QUDRAT today has emerged by the grace of Allah Almighty as a leading newspaper based on hard work of its team of dedicated energetic and responsible workers

The existence of any organization is dependent upon the level of performance and dedication of its people, the human factor is what makes or breaks an organization, and in particular a newspaper’s survival is based totally on the dedication of its work force

Qudrat is Largest circulated news paper of Baluchistan and Pakistan
It was started in April in 2004 From Quetta

Now Daily Qudrat is publishing From Islamabad , Karachi and Gawadar

QUDRAT has become the favorite newspaper of readers and has captured a sizeable share of the market of Pakistan . Investigative and analytical articles and a reader friendly layout. QUDRAT has captured a sizable share of the market and has become the premier newspaper of Quetta , Karachi, gawadar and Islamabad

On the basis of Pakistan, Daily QUDRAT Quetta is one of leading the newspapers

Daily QUDRAT was launched in April 2004, started as a purely neutral policy paper, which is now diversified its reporting into various other important sectors and segments of our society. Daily QUDRAT has been focused on issues which others have chosen to either bypass or avoid, within a proper framework of research and expert analysis

We have always chosen to ashore the strict policy of moral and ethical standard of professional reporting. We have always stood firm for the freedom of speech and press

Daily QUDRAT today has emerged by the grace of Allah Almighty as a leading newspaper based on hard work of its team of dedicated energetic and responsible workers

The existence of any organization is dependent upon the level of performance and dedication of its people, the human factor is what makes or breaks an organization, and in particular a newspaper’s survival is based totally on the dedication of its work force